Monday, 4 August 2014

I have a fungus in the mouth, how to handle it?

Hi! I turn to you with a request concerning a disease which tortured me for two years now. I suffer from very severe dryness in the oral cavity. They found the fungus Candida gave me drugs, treated twice with them, but it helped me. I have hardly any minute to drink water, otherwise I can not even speak properly. I'm not suffering from diabetes. Please help me with folk recipes.

In General, treatment of candidiasis is hard and long. To get rid of this yeast infection, it is first necessary to strip the infectious agent of culture medium and create intolerable conditions for him. This means to recover useful micro flora in the body and in the mucous membranes and to strengthen your immunity. This is not trivial. The most important thing is to deprive the fungus for food-it's the sugar and products: honey, sweet fruits and dried fruits. It is better to  his food with  and licorice root. During treatment is not recommended to use semi-finished products and products with preservatives, thickeners,  and so on. And more: cleanse your containers with boiling water in which add soda and avoid household chemistry.
Take advantage of the following recipes and recommendations

In oral candidiasis in choose toothpaste without antibacterial additive. Better use a powder from dried herbs or potions from them, s root, Silvia tincture, oak, pine, Infusion.

Eat more cereals from the grain products, but without the sugar.

To allow favorable propagation of beneficial microorganisms in the body, plug in your menu oatmeal sour, nakladeni vegetables, enzyme drinks from medicinal herbs and cottage cheese products.

After the intake of food necessarily rinse my mouth with soda or other anti fungal solutions. After washing of the oral cavity hold in your mouth for awhile your tongue with linseed oil or oil, as well as St. John's wort.flax seed an

In the morning after waking up carefully empty the tongue and oral cavity of the white coating and rinse your mouth out with soda or tincture of Sage,  or burdock. Then eat two to three cloves of garlic. If hard stand garlic in pure form, the grind of making and mix it again with making of carrots.

Gradually get used to it with the garlic and increase to 10-12 cloves of garlic. After 30-40 minutes did not eat or drink.
Excellent result you will get the following mixture: grind 2-3 heads of garlic and mix them with a cup of yogurt. Drink 200 ml 4 times a day half an hour before meals and at night before going to bed. Hrân″t is also doing well with
It is very important to your immunity and  to believe in success.

Last: do not forget that the intake of antibiotics and other drugs worsen the treatment of  try to go without them, until they heal.

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