Friday 15 August 2014

Boom of laryngitis and pharyngitis due to sudden changes in weather

Therefore, besides the voice, accompanying are pain in the throat, a cold, a cough. The incidence of the disease is significantly increased in the so-called. Transitional seasons, spring and fall, and is associated with sudden changes of weather conditions. The reasons for its development are varied, as leading are:
-stay in an environment with adverse climatic factors;
-use of cold drinks;
intense workload;
-inhalation of irritant sprays.

In everyday life, most commonly found viral acute laryngitis in which different groups of viruses (influenza, retroviruses, etc.) have selectivity to the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract.
What are the symptoms?

The signs of acute laryngitis again are atypical-General fatigue, muscle pain, sweating and irritation in the throat. May appear dry cough. Change in the voice that becomes hoarse and raspy. It is possible that increasing temperature especially in children and adults with chronic illness. The rapid temperature rise is usually a sign of aggravation of tarring, which began the involvement of the lower parts of the respiratory system-trachea, bronchi and Bronchi oles. The cough becomes damp with sputum, which may sometimes be mixed with blood. Serious complications can occur in children, since there is a danger of the so-called. , which is characterized by difficulty, loud and rapid breathing. It can be diagnosed acute laryngitis review should be made of the ears, nose, throat and larynx in the NET-specialist. The review is important due to the fact that other diseases can give similar glaring complaints:

-laryngeal paralysis and disease affect the thyroid gland.

The most trivial treatment for uncomplicated laryngitis are widely used antiseptic lozenges for sucking ). Treatment is symptomatic-download temperature, vitamins a and e (help reconstruct damaged by inflammation mucous membranes), inhalations with water vapor or medicinal substances (essential oils), as well as medication (bromine, libertine). For some of the viral laryngitis, antibiotics are not appropriate and in such cases it is recommended that you write them only upon suspicion of bacterial infection.

-It is essential to stay warm;
-avoid smoking;
-the adoption of more warm liquids and turn off the heat;
coldest and sodas.

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