Sunday 3 August 2014

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Is Attacking More Women

One of the main symptoms that one can recognize chronic fatigue syndrome,, showed no remorse for exhaustion. Victims of chronic fatigue often have difficulty getting up from a lying position or may not feel the desire to get up. This disease has trapped his victims with for years and can affect the daily life of even the most active person.

Sometimes it appears suddenly, and in other cases-for months, even years. However, there are secondary symptoms that are recognized difficult because there are many. The early stages of chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized by severe flu-like symptoms. Depression, irritability, headache, low temperature, acute muscle pain and weakness occur later. In addition, chronic fatigue, often times resulting in a decrease in cognitive abilities characterized by memory loss, confusion and difficulty concentrating. Sometimes the patient can't remember the simplest details, such as your name or the reason came into the room. Another common occurrence in these patients is their inability to overcome the physical or emotional stress.
In Fact!

Often the patient who suffers from this disease, can't sleep or his dreams constantly interrupted by nightmares. Additional symptoms associated with chronic fatigue, numbness in fingers, include bad mood, ringing in the ears and impotence.

Viruses are not always the cause of this condition

Whenever a person fall into the hole of prolonged fatigue, have from the beginning to determine the cause of the problem. In most cases, Burnout is not caused by viral infections. Fatigue from viruses, there are other typical of viruses which, when symptoms chronic fatigue syndrome are missing. It comes to the so-called. General fatigue, which is often triggered by stress or from temporary sleep disorder. It could also be due to poor nutrition-the adoption of much sugar, sweets, white bread and caffeine. Poor nutrition leads to hypoglycemia as a result of the  of insulin. Another reason for the General fatigue is the dysfunction of the thyroid gland. This type of fatigue causes constipation, weight gain, dry skin and irregular menstrual cycle. Unfortunately, the diagnosis is often in the wrong direction-doctors believe it's depression or another illness and start the wrong treatment. The emergence of the common fatigue contributes significantly caffeine. When a man accustomed to accept large quantities of caffeine, then reduce or discontinue the dose, the result shall be expressed in terms of fatigue, often accompanied by headache.

My daughter is thirty years old and constantly feel tired. Tired is not only when the returns from work, but also on the weekends. With difficulty I her bed. If I leave it will lie around all day. What is this fatigue at a young person? She's not sick. While doing research, which showed that she was not suffering from any disease.
Chronic fatigue syndrome is one of the most progressing disease of modern times. It was officially announced for the first time in 1980, most of the infected are young people who at first glance Crackle of health. Most of this disease suffer fewer men and women aged 30 to 40 years. It is proven that the problem women are 2 times more than men. This annoying affliction occurs and under other names. In Japan it is called a syndrome of the slow natural murder. In the UK it is entered in the health
 Chronic fatigue syndrome is associated with a weakening of the function of the immune system, allowing the development of bacterial and viral infections like Epstein-Barr, herpes,  or Candida. Sometimes chronic fatigue syndrome is accompanied by  painful musculus-skeletal disorder characterized by thickening and tightness of muscle fiber.

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