Monday 25 August 2014

Red wind does not tolerate self-healing.

The disease begins acutely, with fever and chills, headaches, vomiting, fatigue, and sometimes with the onset of seizures. The skin at the site of infection is swollen and reddened, like the redness is sharply limited by the edge of the healthy skin. On the reddened skin can form bubbles. At the disposal of the swelling on the face or head of the sick condition is more severe. Red wind of mucous membranes (especially its available in the larynx) severe and can cause asphyxiation. In rare cases when untimely treatment may develop complications-suppuration, sepsis, jade, purulent meningitis. Early recognition of illness and treatment with large doses of penicillin leads quickly to the rescue.

The sick should avoid applying any compresses and ointments without the advice of a doctor. It is a disease of poor hygiene. With any open wound to seek qualified medical help urgently. Red wind can cause of fungal infection of the feet. The infection is a gateway for Erysipelas, or so-called. Red wind. By streptococci bacteria infect feet, flare, crack and the patient moves difficult. Treatment is with antibiotics and continues long, and if the patient has diabetes, it is possible to reach the amputation of a leg. Most at risk from the disease are people of both sexes over the age of 40. Although children rarely get infected with bacteria, streptococci and such cases have been registered.
 The disease becomes a bit time through use of common toiletries and towels. Cuts to or other skin injuries are also among the safest ways of infection. Apparently, after the sting, which is Brazilian skin, streptococcus is infection, which is caused and the disease. You do not mention for high temperature, so you have to make assumptions. But after doctors in Plovdiv, Kharkov and  were of the same opinion, I see no grounds for suspicion about the diagnosis. When talking about the disease as red wind, must not interfere with the information contained in the venom of formic acid. The sting have hurt the skin, opening the door for the infection and therefore the formic acid has nothing to do with it.

Friday 15 August 2014

Boom of laryngitis and pharyngitis due to sudden changes in weather

Therefore, besides the voice, accompanying are pain in the throat, a cold, a cough. The incidence of the disease is significantly increased in the so-called. Transitional seasons, spring and fall, and is associated with sudden changes of weather conditions. The reasons for its development are varied, as leading are:
-stay in an environment with adverse climatic factors;
-use of cold drinks;
intense workload;
-inhalation of irritant sprays.

In everyday life, most commonly found viral acute laryngitis in which different groups of viruses (influenza, retroviruses, etc.) have selectivity to the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract.
What are the symptoms?

The signs of acute laryngitis again are atypical-General fatigue, muscle pain, sweating and irritation in the throat. May appear dry cough. Change in the voice that becomes hoarse and raspy. It is possible that increasing temperature especially in children and adults with chronic illness. The rapid temperature rise is usually a sign of aggravation of tarring, which began the involvement of the lower parts of the respiratory system-trachea, bronchi and Bronchi oles. The cough becomes damp with sputum, which may sometimes be mixed with blood. Serious complications can occur in children, since there is a danger of the so-called. , which is characterized by difficulty, loud and rapid breathing. It can be diagnosed acute laryngitis review should be made of the ears, nose, throat and larynx in the NET-specialist. The review is important due to the fact that other diseases can give similar glaring complaints:

-laryngeal paralysis and disease affect the thyroid gland.

The most trivial treatment for uncomplicated laryngitis are widely used antiseptic lozenges for sucking ). Treatment is symptomatic-download temperature, vitamins a and e (help reconstruct damaged by inflammation mucous membranes), inhalations with water vapor or medicinal substances (essential oils), as well as medication (bromine, libertine). For some of the viral laryngitis, antibiotics are not appropriate and in such cases it is recommended that you write them only upon suspicion of bacterial infection.

-It is essential to stay warm;
-avoid smoking;
-the adoption of more warm liquids and turn off the heat;
coldest and sodas.

Methods of removal of the adenoma

It is also called radio-frequency therapy. One of the new methods for the treatment of prostate adenoma. It is an outpatient using endoscopic techniques. And here is used anesthetic in the spine. The patient is lying on your back with knees bent legs. During the procedure, the urethra is inserted Christos and under Visual control of the specialist shall have tiny needles into the prostate gland. As soon as you put the needles in them are placed radio waves that heat the prostate gland and destroy obstacles to the flow of urine. This is one of the most careful methods. Blood loss and pain sensations are reduced to a minimum. The pros and cons of transubstantiation needle ablation are the same, and laser techniques.
Chemotherapy or microwave coagulation

Method, which nowadays is developing rapidly. Requires no incisions, it is performed using endoscopic equipment – anesthetic is in the spine, or is local. During the operation, the patient lying on his back with legs bent at the knees. The urethra is inserted an endoscope that has thermal impact of the gland in a range from 45 to 70 degrees Celsius. As a result of heat flow enlarged tissue necrosis in adenoma.

Water chemotherapy is simple, ambulatory, cost effective method that allows the treatment to be held almost without limitations. I.e., anyone could be subjected to this method. Quickly reduces the of disease symptoms. The risk of complications is significantly smaller than the radical methods. The flaws and virtues are consistent with both the above methods.

Only a doctor can determine what operation was exactly suitable in your case. The choice of the method depends on the overall condition of the  symptoms, by the size of the adenoma, by the presence of complications. To acquire the doctor idea for your condition, you should explore, Inc. and for syphilis, HIV and hepatitis. And more: electrocardiography and x-ray examination of the chest which. Continue with special diagnostic methods-ultrasound of the urinary system,  (measuring the rate of urination), determining the level of pro static-specific antigen in the blood. In the presence of serious underlying conditions is necessary in consultation with the relevant experts. No less important are the review and consultation with the anesthetist. It defines the type of anesthetic to be applied in the present case.

Defeat acne!

The doctor may prescribe a medication for the treatment of women with this type of acne:
-Birth control pills reduce the production of male  hormones by the ovaries.
-Low-dose corticosteroids – suppress production of androgen by adrenal glands.

-Antiandrogenni preparations reduce the increased fatty secretion. Side effects of androgenic preparations may include irregular menstruation, reduce the density of the breast, headaches and fatigue.

As a complement to drug therapy can be used in other procedures. For example during check-ups at your dermatologist may periodically to fix these comediennes. It is possible, and direct injection of corticosteroids into the cutaneous lesions in order to reduce the amount of sore cysts and pain evoked by them. Early treatment is the best way to prevent the formation of scars with acne.
 If you already have formed, can be carried out medical, including surgical procedure for reducing them. Rough scars can be treated with a laser. Another possible treatment of deep scarring caused by acne kistozno, is the transfer of fat from another part of the body in place of the scar, and the injection of a synthetic filler under the scar, in order to improve the appearance of skin.

Thursday 14 August 2014

The season of depression

We will give a reply to their questions with the help of Dr. Mohamed neurologist BONES, a newspaper consultant doctor, psychotherapist, and acupuncture.

Melancholy is a human mood, a certain kind of depressive condition. It is characterized by a lack of enthusiasm and desire for activity. In the past even Hippocrates described this condition as a disease, which is characterized by lack of appetite, dullness, insomnia, irritability, restlessness. Claimed and that when grief and fear last a long time, causing melancholy. Nowadays, it is believed that melancholy was the same phenomenon that is now called clinical depression. Depression is widespread today and reflects negatively on the quality of life. Affects the active, creative part of a person's life and significantly deteriorating his social functioning. Sometimes it is and danger to life. However, it is necessary to delineate the difference between clinical depression and cases When we feel oppressed. If we have real life reason to be suppressed, the mood should be regarded as normal under the circumstances. Otherwise, however, it seems the picture of clinical depression.
In her report:

 Manifested with sadness, pessimism, deep suffering, fear, loss of the ability to experience joy and pleasure. A feeling of sadness can become so strong that can manifest as physical pain-tightness in the chest, abdominal pain, numbness, usually on the left hand. The patient is overcome by a sense of desperation and lack of perspective. It seems to him that everything is pointless-including life. So sometimes come to decisions about suicide.

 finds expression in easy fatigue, weakness, decreased vital tons. This is accompanied by an uncertainty and indecision-to a complete loss of interest and initiative. In severe cases the so-called. depressive stupor-full , with inability to establish verbal contact with the refusal of food.

Slower thought process is reflected in the long time of the response, difficulties in concentration and memory disorders. It makes sufferers more insecure and anxious. Show think about inferiority, stupidity, uselessness.
Clinical depression manifests itself in three forms-mild, moderate and severe. Distinguish them based on a careful assessment of the number and severity of symptoms. A good reference for the severity of depression is the level of social functioning. For example in lighter forms reported several symptoms expressed in slight and with possible social dysfunction. In moderate form there are more symptoms and marked significant difficulties in the performance of professional and household duties. In the severe form is observed and the three main symptoms of severe degree. Sometimes the stupor, weight loss, insomnia, guilt and suicidal thoughts.

In cases of severe depression and risk of having medical treatment with antidepressants. Medicated for depression treatment strategies are based on the theory of deficiency in the human organism of two chemicals-serotonin, called a mediator of mood, pleasure and youthful, and nor epinephrine, has relevance to our propulsion naivety. Antidepressants actually recovered the deficit, such as help for the synthesis of these two substances in the body. In consultation with a psychiatrist, after an assessment of symptoms is assigned the necessary medical treatment (a type of antidepressant, dose and duration of intake as well as the periods during which it will monitor the patient's condition).

Amyloidosis affects many organs

Amyloidosis is a rare disease, which is caused by the deposition of alkaloid in tissues and organs of the body.  is most commonly produced by the cells of the bone marrow, accumulates in internal organs and impair their function. Although there are different varieties of alkaloid and disease occurs with varying force, most often it is fatal.  protein is deposited mainly in vital organs such as the heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. Depending on the reason for the occurrence of Amyloidosis distinguish between 3 main types-primary, secondary and a survivor. The primary is the most common form of the disease, which affects the heart, the kidneys, the language, the nerves.

The reasons for the emergence of primary acidosis are not yet known, but according to some experts the disease is due to a change in the normal function of the bone marrow. In this disease the bone marrow plus red, white blood cells and platelets and begins to produce antibodies. After the antibodies carry out their functions in the body, they are subjected to degradation of special structures of the body. Acidosis occurs when the bone marrow produces antibodies that subsequently cannot be destroyed. Gradually the concentration of these proteins in the blood highly increases and they begin to be deposited in various tissues and organs.

Chronic occurring inflammatory diseases such as tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, poliomyelitis can provoke a so-called secondary Acidosis. In this form of the disease affecting primarily the kidneys, the liver, the spleen and lymph nodes, but can be harmed and all other bodies.

To prevent the development of secondary acidosis, type is necessary to heal the primary illness led to a pathological accumulation of alkaloid in organs.

Monday 4 August 2014

I have a fungus in the mouth, how to handle it?

Hi! I turn to you with a request concerning a disease which tortured me for two years now. I suffer from very severe dryness in the oral cavity. They found the fungus Candida gave me drugs, treated twice with them, but it helped me. I have hardly any minute to drink water, otherwise I can not even speak properly. I'm not suffering from diabetes. Please help me with folk recipes.

In General, treatment of candidiasis is hard and long. To get rid of this yeast infection, it is first necessary to strip the infectious agent of culture medium and create intolerable conditions for him. This means to recover useful micro flora in the body and in the mucous membranes and to strengthen your immunity. This is not trivial. The most important thing is to deprive the fungus for food-it's the sugar and products: honey, sweet fruits and dried fruits. It is better to  his food with  and licorice root. During treatment is not recommended to use semi-finished products and products with preservatives, thickeners,  and so on. And more: cleanse your containers with boiling water in which add soda and avoid household chemistry.
Take advantage of the following recipes and recommendations

In oral candidiasis in choose toothpaste without antibacterial additive. Better use a powder from dried herbs or potions from them, s root, Silvia tincture, oak, pine, Infusion.

Eat more cereals from the grain products, but without the sugar.

To allow favorable propagation of beneficial microorganisms in the body, plug in your menu oatmeal sour, nakladeni vegetables, enzyme drinks from medicinal herbs and cottage cheese products.

After the intake of food necessarily rinse my mouth with soda or other anti fungal solutions. After washing of the oral cavity hold in your mouth for awhile your tongue with linseed oil or oil, as well as St. John's wort.flax seed an

In the morning after waking up carefully empty the tongue and oral cavity of the white coating and rinse your mouth out with soda or tincture of Sage,  or burdock. Then eat two to three cloves of garlic. If hard stand garlic in pure form, the grind of making and mix it again with making of carrots.

Gradually get used to it with the garlic and increase to 10-12 cloves of garlic. After 30-40 minutes did not eat or drink.
Excellent result you will get the following mixture: grind 2-3 heads of garlic and mix them with a cup of yogurt. Drink 200 ml 4 times a day half an hour before meals and at night before going to bed. Hrân″t is also doing well with
It is very important to your immunity and  to believe in success.

Last: do not forget that the intake of antibiotics and other drugs worsen the treatment of  try to go without them, until they heal.